Once the form is filled and submitte applicant must print the completed . The process is very simple! The whole process is completely online in nature and . If you face any issue related to security certificate with other browsers. This form is bar coded and will store your . Upon successfully completing the online application , you will receive a Web Reference Confirmation Number.

The applicant has to fillup the online visa application form and submit the printed copy of the filled-up . Printout of the online application form duly signed. A letter from the company in . Please select the application type. INDIAN VISA APPLICATION CENTRE. Before submitting your fee payment, please verify that the visa fee on your deposit. External website that . Hi, I have filled in an online visa application twice with vsfglobal.
In order to avail of the facility of e- Visa , the foreign national concerned shall mandatorily fill in the application online on the e- Visa website . Following steps describe in detail the Online Visa application process: 1.