The dawn of the oil age was fairly recent. Although the stuff was used to waterproof boats in the Middle East 0years ago, extracting it in earnest . Katso sanan shortage käännös englanti-suomi. Ilmainen Sanakirja on monipuolinen sanakirja netissä. Käännös sanalle shortage englannista suomeksi. Monia käännettyjä esimerkkilauseita, jotka sisältävät shortage - suomi-englanti- sanakirja ja hakukone suomen käännöksille.

Suomienglantisanakirja. Kielisanakirja: englanti suomi. Hakuehdoilla shortage löytyi yhteensä käännöstä. Epätodennäköinen käännös Suositeltava käännös.
Childcare services in EU countries are failing to respond to the needs of parents, despite some progress, according to a report issued by the European . The aim was to determine how a shortage of physicians at Finnish health. Shacolla is a double-side . Shortage of energy is a critical barrier to development for the . Experis etsii johto- ja asiantuntijatason ammattilaisia IT:n, insinöörialan, myynnin sekä muiden osaamisalueiden alle. Rekrytointi-, vuokrajohtaja- . Australia otti käyttöön uuden TSS-viisumin (Temporary Skill Shortage , 482), joka korvaa aikaisemman 457-viisumin (Temporary Work (Skilled) . Shortage and stress in the 20th century and pathways towards sustainability. Autumn is a period of frantically looking for apartments for higher education students. The housing shortage for new students is an annually occurring . Fingridin sähköaseman . We left our village in balochistan due to shortage of water in this year.
A centrally controlled economy plagued by chronic shortages , a rust bucket of a spaceship with minimal fuel reserves, a malign A. A bottleneck problem is a situation where workforce shortage in the local labour. Increases fast, Serious shortage of job seekers. A survey of Finnish software businesses on labour shortage and its potential . Finland Could Face Electricity Shortage.
There was a shortage of everything. Näytä kaikki kuvailutiedot. Genetically improved Norway spruce seed – from shortage to abundance. The staff at health centres with the most severe shortage of physicians were. This research will indicate how the shortage of rural labour is in part.

Medicine shortages are more often supply-related than demand-. Finnish pharmacies have shortages daily or almost daily. Veden puute (water shortage ): käytettävissä olevat vesivarat per henkilö. Vesistressi (water stress): veden käyttö suhteessa käytettävissä . The Telegraph: Airline face looming shortage of pilots, warns CTC Aviation.
To compensate for the shortage of cash, the Senate issued bank drafts to the value of around million markkaa in the name of Vaasan Osake-Pankki, . Lisätiedot EMA:n Shortages catalogue -sivuilta.
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